Yes, you heard it right. The fees for IIT Kanpur MBA has been reduced from around 12 lakh per annum for the new batch of MBA(2021 – 23) to around 4 lakh per annum. The official mails regarding fees were already out with 12 lakh. So, what happened afterwards? What is the reason for this change? The reason is the corona situation.
For the last MBA batch, the fees for the first 2 semesters were to be increased by around 250% but due to corona for 1 year it was the same( around 80,000 per semester) and for the second year it was to be changed to around 2,50,000 per semester.
So, why the college decided not to hike the fees after sending official emails to students of the new batch and even taking the fees?
The reason is the seniors i.e. the students who promoted to the 2nd year of MBA this year. They had a huge meeting with college authorities and it took about 1 month to have the final decision.
For the students who have already paid, the balanced fees would be returned to them. For those who choose not to join IIT Kanpur MBA but now want to join it due to low fees, they can join. The college would send/sent official mails to have an opportunity to join once again.
We hope everything is now clear about the situation which was unbelievable for many students. The information is given by one of the IIT Kanpur student. The information is also released officially through emails and pagalguy. If you like this information you can read other MBA related articles on this website.
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